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Our Services


Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be extremely beneficial in the context of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), including:

  • IUI (Intrauterine Insemination/ Artificial Insemination)

  • IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

  • Egg Freezing

  • Donor Egg Transfers

Many studies have demonstrated the usefulness of Chinese medicine in this arena, showing greatly increased chances for conception and decreased miscarriage.  Acupuncture used alone or in conjunction with herbs has been shown to:

  • Increase blood flow to the uterus

  • Improve ovarian function

  • Regulate hormones

  • Prevent uterine contraction

  • Lessen side effects from drugs

  • Regulate the immune system

  • Decrease the chances of miscarriage

  • Reduce physical and emotional stress

  • Improve sperm quality and quantity

As women’s health and fertility experts, we have the specialized training necessary to support you through all aspects of your ART journey — and beyond.

Preparing for ART

Whether your journey with ART starts in 3 months, 3 weeks, or 3 days, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can support you on the path.

Acupuncture administered around the time of transfer leads to increased success rates, likely by increasing uterine blood flow, reducing uterine contractions, and balancing the nervous system. In other words, even if your transfer is just three hours from now, acupuncture can have a positive impact.

Ideally, however, we begin working together well in advance of your ART cycle. Three to six months spent generally optimizing your health, and improving circulation and nutrition to the reproductive system via targeted acupuncture, diet, lifestyle modifications, and herbs, can dramatically improve egg quality. We know that the portions of egg development that take place in the months prior to follicular recruitment can be positively influenced with all of the above, as can the ovary’s capacity to respond to treatment.

Sperm development follows a similar 3-month cycle, and male factor infertility issues are similarly best addressed starting at least 3 months before an active cycle.


When working with women utilizing IUI, we focus on regulating and optimizing the four phases of the menstrual cycle. Depending on your medical protocol and the timing of our work together, we may use acupuncture alone or acupuncture in combination with herbs and targeted supplements.


Ideally we begin working with you three months in advance of your active IVF cycle, but as mentioned above, we can have a positive impact on outcomes no matter where you are in the process.  We emphasize balancing your hormones, improving uterine blood flow, addressing any constitutional deficiencies, optimizing nutrition, and keeping your nervous system steady and calm.  

Donor Eggs

If you are using a donor egg, our focus in on balancing your hormones, improving circulation and preparing the uterus for implantation, supporting and balancing your constitution, and generally keeping your nervous system steady and calm. 

Egg Freezing

Similar to IVF, we work together to balance and optimize your system broadly in the 3 months ahead of your active cycle, supported by weekly acupuncture treatments.  After your retrieval you may opt to discontinue treatments, as there will be no transfer for which to prepare you.  Or you may opt to continue treatment if you are planning to do more than one egg freezing cycle, or if you want to continue working on general wellness or other health issues.

Your initial consultation is free — meet us in person and learn more.

or call us at 207.756.4301

Just meeting with you has given me so much hope—hope, for the first time in years. We’ve been at this for so long, and I finally feel like there’s something I can actually *do* to support the process. I don’t have to just sit back like a bystander, having things done *to* me. That changes everything.
— Jaime